
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Multi - Purpose Deposits

The Multi-Purpose Deposits menu is used for making loan repayments, buying of shares, savings deposits and stationary payments. These transactions can be done concurrently.

How to make a Multi-Purpose Deposit

To make a multi purpose deposit you go to Cash->Multi-Purpose Deposits and a screen that looks as follows appears:

Select the type of client to report on from the available radio buttons, e.g., "Individual Client".

Click on the Next command button to continue. a screen like the one below will appear:

If a client only has one savings product then there is no need to select a second savings product. Only select the single savings product held by the client.

The savings products displayed here will depend on what was selected under Savings Products 1 & 2.

The user should make sure that he/she actually knows the breakdown of the money that a client is paying, if the client is giving a block figure.

 Click on the Save command button.  A pop up information screen will appear having the message “Transactions will be posted to the account. Do you want to Continue”. Click on the Yes command button to have the deposits saved and posted to the various accounts.

Lets look at some of the reports to see whether the deposits have been posted to their respective accounts:

 i)  Savers statement "Free Savings":(Savings->Savings Reports->Savers Statements).

As seen above, on 03/04/2013 there was a cash deposit posted to the Free Savings account of 50,000 for Dalton James.

ii)  Report on register of shares for a person:(Shares->Report on register of shares for a person).

The report shows the number of shares that the client purchased on 03/04/2013 by Dalton James.

iii)  Loan Ledger Card:(Loans->Portifolio Reports->Loans Ledger Card).

When you look at 03/04/2013, it can be seen that there was a loan repayment of 8,000, i.e., 3,384.62 (Principal) + 4,615.38 (Interest). This shows that the transaction was posted.

You can as well as use the breakdown per account menu to look at all the above transactions.

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